Monday, September 24, 2007


Why Aren't We Helping Saugus?

I just blogged about the situation in Saugus, where their library has been stripped of state certification and can't receive any state funding. They're no longer eligible to be in the North Shore book swap program, among other things. Their library is in danger of being shut down permanently, because they're running out of funds. Only one city, Lynn, has offered to help Saugus, by allowing their residents access to borrowing books. Why not Swampscott?

Would it really be all that burdensome to allow a few Saugus residents access to our library? It could have very well been our town that slashed funds to the library to the extent that it couldn't stay open. It may be our town in the future. We ought to set the precedent that each community in the North Shore will help one another, if it's needed. Instead, we're practicing Social Darwinism at the municipal level. Not only do we put our future at risk by being so selfish, but there are going to be a lot of children in Saugus who can't even go to a library. That's not right.

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