Wednesday, September 19, 2007


McGee and Casinos

I called both Senator McGee and Representative Peterson today to see where they were on the whole casino issue (and to urge them against casinos), and McGee had an interesting response. He hasn't made a position yet and is open minded on the subject - and he wants phone calls. If anyone wants to call him, here's his Beacon Hill number: (617) 722-1350.

He will be an important voice in this matter as his district is right next to Wonderland Park, where a casino has been proposed, and there's already a casino running out of Lynn (Horizon's Edge).

Read this for more on why casinos are bad for Massachusetts. And remember that one of them will be built very close to Swampscott, probably in Revere. We will absolutely feel its effects.

PS: I've been meaning to write about the new school for weeks. It's absolutely beautiful, as I expected it to be. If I had one complaint, it's that the library is very small, but the fact that there are multiple computer labs (including a language lab) makes up for that. It's important that when you spend a lot of money on a project, you build it right... and it seems like Swampscott has done that.

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